Thursday, October 21, 2010

Does Life Ever Go As Planned???

So for the past two weeks I made up my mind that I was going to get more of my product done...I was going to do a Fall Deep Cleaning of my house...jog daily...and get my bible study done. Well my plans obviously are not to be. I was sitting here today thinking God, why doesn't my life ever go as planned??
I had my little girl sick for about a week and the day she went back to school my hubby ended up sick for the entire weekend and then carried into the week and today...I was sure I would get a lot done! And then my son is home with mom. I was complaining today about how my life is always busy and it seems that I'm always needed somewhere or by someone and never seem to get enough "me" time! And today as my little guy cuddled next to me and said...I'm so thankful God sent me down from Heaven so you could be my mom"...(tear tear). He said I love and miss you sometimes...and I said to him, "I love you too but we see each other all the time how do you miss me??" And then he said," Yeah but your always busy sewing or on the computer or talking on the phone."
Can I just say it put things in perspective and I had to share. I am a mommy to my two kiddos...I am a wife, daughter, sister, and friend...and right now God has me here in this small little town at home with my little guy.
Life doesn't go as planned, we can make our lists, check them twice, but in the end it's the little unexpected detours that lead us back to God and back to where we ought to be. And right now that's cuddling my little guy!